So lets get started to make your personal web page. We need to split our project to few steps. We need to download editor, made files, and put it to the web. So how to do it i will explain below.
Just follow this link and download the editor
You need to open Vs code after that go to explorer and push open folder. You should choose where in your computer you want to work.Better to create new folder.
After that push new file and put index.html to the text box
Put and edit by your choice this code inside your index.html
<html class="center"> <style> .center { background-color: aliceblue; text-align: center; display: block; font-family: Papyrus; color: rgb(223, 93, 0); } </style> <h1>Alex's Portfolio</h1> <img src="./alxholly.jpg" width="30%" style="border: 2px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(63, 113, 133)" /> </html>
Then you need to upload all image that you need and change it in "img src" tag
Its good if you go through this links and figure it out what they talking about
HTML <img> Tag
HTML <h1> to <h6> Tags
Go through this link and register in GitHub
Github registration linkAfter registration go to repositories and push New
Create a new repository
Lets put your project to github. Put to Repository name push create repository. Push add files and add yours.
So after you add files to repo your web site should appear in address.